Monday, May 28, 2007

Time of Change- May 28

For your final readings of Times of Change, I would like you to set aside some time on Monday (Memorial Day) to read the choices above. Once you are done, I would like for you to post in your blog a note to the men and women on the Vietnam Veterans Memorial. After what you have learned over the past few days, and what you saw when we went to D.C., what would you want to say to them?

Dear Men and Woman that served in Vietnam,
You think many people don't appreciate what you did for your country going all the way over to Vietnam to fight, but I do. You put your life on the line for our country and you should be proud. Thousands of Americans have you to thank for your bravery. You and hundreds of other men and woman spent years in Vietnam, putting yourself through pain and misery and I appreciate your suffering. Thank for all that you did for this country.
-Lauren Schwieters

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